Cancellation: Animation Production Days 2020
We regret to announce that Animation Production Days (6 – 8 May 2020) cannot take place this year due to the Corona pandemic. According to the decision of the state capital Stuttgart, events in culture, education, sports and leisure as well as meetings, even with less than 1,000 participants, are prohibited with immediate effect. The partner events FMX – Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Immersive Media and the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) will also not take place this year.
Accreditation fees already paid for APD 2020 will be refunded.
This step has not been easy for us and it is of great concern to us that the projects selected for APD 2020 receive the attention they deserve and that the registered broadcasters, investors, distributors and platforms have the opportunity to learn more about these projects. We will develop ideas for this in the coming weeks and keep in contact with all registered participants.